
你的位置:FTC中文网 > Venus中文网 > not鏄粈涔堟剰鎬漘鐧惧害鐭ラ亾
发布日期:2025-01-04 10:42    点击次数:192
回答1: 灞曞紑鍏ㄩ儴 not鏄笉銆佹病鏈夛紝浠h〃鍚﹀畾銆?/strong>涓€銆侀噴涔?/p>not鐨勫熀鏈剰鎬濇槸鈥滀笉锛屾病鏈夆€濓紝閫氬父鐢ㄤ簬鍚﹀畾鍙ヤ腑锛屼綅浜庡姩璇峛e銆乭ave/has鎴栨儏鎬佸姩璇嶄箣鍚庯紝鎴栦笌涔嬩竴璧锋瀯鎴愮缉鍐欏舰寮忥紱 濡傦細isn't锛?don't锛?won't绛夈€?/p>浜屻€佺敤娉?/p>1銆佷富瑕佺敤浜庤繛鎺ヤ袱涓绛夌殑鎴愬垎锛涜嫢杩炴帴涓や釜鎴愬垎浣滀富璇紝鍏跺悗璋撹鍔ㄨ瘝涓庨潬杩戠殑涓昏淇濇寔涓€鑷淬€?/p>2銆乶ot only鈥?but also.鈥?涓殑also閫氬父鍙互鐪佺暐锛屾垨鎹㈡垚too锛宎s well锛堣缃簬鍙ユ湯锛夈€?/p>3銆佷负浜嗗己璋冿紝鍙皢not only缃簬鍙ラ锛屾鏃跺叾鍚庣殑鍙ュ瓙閫氬父瑕佺敤閮ㄥ垎鍊掕鐨勫舰寮忋€?/p>涓夈€佸父鐢ㄧ煭璇?/p>not interested 涓嶆劅鍏磋叮not a breath of 涓€鐐逛篃娌℃湁not at all 涓嶅姘?瀹屽叏涓?/p>not a few 鐩稿綋澶氾紝涓嶅皯not a little 璁稿not half 涓€鐐逛篃涓嶏紱 闈炲父锛?鏋佸叾not a jot or little 姣?鏃狅紝鏍规湰娌℃湁not a feather to fly with 璐洶锛?鐮翠骇not鐨勪緥鍙ュ強缁忓吀寮曟枃涓€銆佷緥鍙?/p>I'm not really sure.鎴戜笉澶竻妤氥€?/p>The government had a moral,if not a legal,duty to pay compensation. 鏀垮簻鍗充娇娌℃湁娉曞緥涓婄殑涔夊姟涔熸湁閬撲箟涓婄殑涔夊姟杩涜璧斿伩銆?/p>I'm not,but I'll accept anxiety as another name for challenge and I believeI can accomplish wonders. 鎴戜笉鏄紝浣嗘垜鍚屾剰鐒﹁檻鏄寫鎴樼殑鍙︿竴绉嶈娉曪紝鎴戠浉淇℃垜鑳藉垱閫犲杩广€?/p>She understood his meaning,if not his words,and took his advice. 濂瑰嵆渚夸笉鎳備粬鐨勮瑷€锛屼篃鏄庣櫧浜嗕粬鐨勬剰鎬濓紝骞朵笖鎺ュ彈浜嗕粬鐨勫缓璁€?/p>Not everyone likes this book.骞朵笉鏄瘡涓汉閮藉枩娆㈣繖鏈功銆?/p>David did not have a book to his name.澶у崼娌℃湁涓€鏈睘浜庝粬鑷繁鐨勪功銆?/p>Given all of its benefits,why is mobile money not more widespread? 璇翠簡杩欎箞澶氱Щ鍔ㄧ悊璐㈢殑濂藉锛屼絾涓轰粈涔堝畠娌℃湁鍦ㄤ笘鐣岃骞挎硾鍦板簲鐢ㄥ憿锛?/p>Why not tell her you're quitting and have done with it? 涓轰粈涔堜笉鍛婅瘔濂逛綘鎵撶畻杈炶亴锛屽敖蹇妸杩欎欢浜嬩簡缁撲簡鍛紵If you are selling your property, why not call us for a free valuation without obligation. 濡傛灉浣犳墦绠楀嚭鍞埧浜э紝涓轰粈涔堜笉鎵撶數璇濊鎴戜滑鍋氫釜鍏嶈垂鐨勮瘎浼板憿銆?/p>浜屻€佺粡鍏稿紩鏂?/p>Is he not a gay dissipated rake who has squandered his patrimony?This is not the cause of a king,but of kings.If the sky were not clear.you would have to come.in the morningThe English translation is not good.An Indian, isn't he?A swimming-pool.is common to all as a table is not.